Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On the Move

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Random Pics and 9 months

Brooklyn turned 9 months this month. I cant believe its already been that long it sure has gone by so fast. She is getting so big and more and more independent these days. Although she refuses to crawl she sure does no how to get around either from scooting or crying until I move her in the spot she wants to go. She is saying new word all the time and just soaks up everything I tell her. She is my little sponge. She now says Mama, Dada, Papa, Nana for Night Night, Baba for bottle, and has been saying wow wow for Dog. She loves for me to read books to her every night and just sits and listens as I am reading them. I am going to start taking her to the public library for the bouncing baby story time program. She has also started to climb up on furniture and has been walking around the furniture as well. This is such a fun stage and I love that she is always such a smiley and happy baby. Here is a picture overload starting back from Easter Sunday.

Brooklyn got an easter basket from the easter bunny. I was surprised when she knew how to tear it open.

Brooklyn and Mama.
Brooklyn and Mama and Papa
Brooklyn's First Pedicure
this Bumbo works so good for a pedicure seat all I have to do is put a toy in her hand and she lets me paint her toes.

and of coarse I had to do mine so we can match.

Seth and Luke love Brooklyn.
Henry came over to swim with Brooklyn they had a blast.

Brooklyn sitting pretty.

Bubble bath with daddy.

Brooklyn's new tricks