Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Best Valentines Ever

I had a really great Valentines weekend. It started on Friday when John came home from work with a bouquet of roses and a card in his hand. He handed me the flowers to put in a vase and the card to put away till Saturday, but I thought he was giving it to me to open. So I spoiled the surprise by opening the card early. Well in side the card was a check in my name for 1000.00 dollars. I decided to get a new kitchen table and a buffet server table. I tried to take pictures of them with my camera but there was a really bad glare so I stole the ones off the furniture website.

After having my dad help us bring the furniture home and help put it together John made a wonderful teriyaki chicken dinner. He is such a great cook and always comes up with new things to try that turn out really good. Thanks John I love you!


Chris & Liza said...

What a lucky girl you are! I love the buffet table. I'll have to come over to see sometime. Talk to ya later. Love, Liza